Down into this wonderful antique French iron crib/cot, or 'lit de bebe' ... as the French would say ... is where our babies go, when the time comes to rest their weary heads, and gather sweet dreams. Both the head and footboard panels are hand-painted with a host of chubby cherubs, bearing swags of heavenly roses. The hand-embroidered pillow was made from what was originally a pillow as well, but one that was too tattered and torn to be of any use, so I cut out the center piece (it reads 'Every Weary Brow Reposes') and had it remade, using scraps of wonderful, rose strewn vintage fabric. The bed cover is an old English eiderdown that's bordered around with a charming frill. And, when drowsy eyes begin to blink and droop ... here's the little song we sing to help bring on sleep.
Angels at your little head
And angels at your feet
Come to murmur blessings
When you're fast asleep
The moon will be your pillow
The stars will be your spread
When the man who shakes the silver sand
Comes to rock your bed
Ce petit lit de bébé est vraiment superbe!Un écrin pour de doux rêves.
Monica , that bed is absolutely gorgeous, you made it very beautifull, love from Frederica
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